
WOLF AHU Selection Software

WOLF AHU Selection Software
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WOLF GmbH presents a detailed certified Selection Software of Air Handling Units, where you can fast and easy select your AHU.

You can produce dimensions, drawings, energy efficiencies and other characteristics for your AHU.

You can download the software through the following link:

To receive your password, training and any other information please contact us.


Designer & Consultant Visit to WOLF GmbH

Designer & Consultant Visit to WOLF GmbH
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Engineering Energy Systems & WOLF GmbH organized a Consultant – Designer visit to WOLF factory and Headquarters in Mainburg – Germany.

Engineers from LDK, TEAM, ALKON, TRIEDROS, JEPA, PROTON, INSTA consulting & designer companies participated in the visit. All WOLF production lines were visited, Air Handling Units, Boilers, Solar Systems, Air Heaters, Ventilation Systems and related trainings were organized succesfully.

Engineering Energy Systems & WOLF GmbH will continue with similar actions in the future, focusing on sharing knowledge and expertise in high technology HVAC areas.



Αξιολόγηση Συστημάτων Θέρμανσης Ε.Μ.Π.

Τεχνο-οικονομικοί υπολογισμοί σχετικά με κάποιες από τις διαθέσιμες τεχνολογίες θέρμανσης (Αντλίες Θερμότητας, Λέβητας Φυσικού  Αερίου Συμπύκνωσης, Λέβητας Βιομάζας, Λέβητας Πετρελαίου, Θέρμανση με Ηλεκτρικές αντιστάσεις) & αξιολόγηση αυτών.


HiRef New software for CCAC TLC and HDC

HiRef New software for CCAC TLC and HDC
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Dear Customer,

we are pleased to inform you that from January 2015 HiRef is introducing a hardware design with its new software for the full range of Close Control, Telecom and Rack Cooling units.

The new architecture will consist of:

  • New Controller pCO5 +
  • display PGD1
  • new EVDevo driver (only for units with electronic expansion valve)
  • new CPY board (only for units with humidifier)

The introduction of the new software will follow this schedule:

  1. NRG units (01/01/15)
  2. Direct expansion CCAC unit (JREF, TREF) ON / OFF compressor (01/02/15)
  3. Chilled water CCAC units (JREF, TREF) (01/03/15)
  4. Telecom units with ON/OFF and variable speed compressors (01/04/15)
  5. HRC units (01/05/15)

WOLF AHU Thessaloniki Seminar

Engineering Energy Systems & WOLF presented succesfully at 1st of December at Makedonia Palace Hotel Thessaloniki the Air Handling Units and other climate products.

Consultants, Designers & Contractors attended the seminar, showing great interest in the innovative products and wide range of solutions.

The Air Handling Units are EUROVENT certified, following also deirectives like RLT & TUV.

Heat Recovery products in different versions, supplement the range of products and give ideal solutions for fresh air ventilation according to “KENAK” guidelines.

The certified AHU selection software was presented and distributed, validating the proffesional support of Engineering Energy Systems & WOLF.DSC04762


WOLF Air Handling Unit Athens Seminar

Engineering Energy Systems SA as the official distributor of WOLF Air Handling Units in Greece organised together with WOLF GmbH an Air Handling Unit Seminar in Athens at 9th of October with great success.

All the major design and consultant companies attended the seminar, where the latest EU guidelines and product developments were presented & discussed.

The Air Handling Units selection software was in detailed explained and given to all attendess, giving all available knowledge and background to select the right product for each application. DSC04754
